Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The role of Public Universities in Chile

Today, the big challenge for Public Universities is to change their politics on the education process. Starting by teaching students how to think from their own introspection after the stage of investigation, not only promoting them to learn WHAT, but also, and more important, learn WHY. In this way, they must change their perspective of what really means the act of learning. It must start by teaching people how to deal with information and situations that are presented to them. 

More specifically what is needed in public university education is to generate knowledge, train students to be able to contribute to different subjects through research, and become agents of development. This means that the final product in the workflow of a public university is NOT a professional (such as private universities), BUT the contribution to society that this professional does. According to this, it would be appropriate to emphasize the huge difference that makes the foment of research and development in different countries, which in the long term determines its level of progress. 

Regarding economic issues and how to sustain public universities, the criteria that formerly existed where the objectives of public entities was to able access to various social sectors, today seems poorly reflected. Nowadays the government contribution to the public universities is not enough for their maintenance. That's why to continue operating, they must raise student fees to levels where there is not much difference on what is paid at a private university.


Ultimately we are faced with an inconsistent system, whereupon the only hope is a change, but a substantial change, with another university, with the definition of a new model rather than the reiteration of what's available today. 


  1. hi there.

    I`m agree with you in your point.
    but i think that is the own student who need to take a more proactive apptitud in this terms.
    Today we see the difficult that takes to move young people and to involve them into politicals term, because the problem in the education is only something political and economic.

    We see the in FAU that the students doesn`t feel represents or involves with national contingecy, and the intellectual discussion is out of their terms. Big changes need big ideas that can move big masses of people.

    it`s something to think, and try to change.

    see U.

  2. Reagading Ale's post, I think unfortunately, the lack of tools possessed by students is very much connected with the fact that many school teachers are teaching for the wrong reasons and, therefore, doing a bad job. One important thing that needs changing within Chilean education is the PSU score for pedagogy students.

  3. All the point of view that I've seen about this topics are worth, but in my personal point of vies, I think that the changes must be from all the sectors that compose the problem, beginning with the basics, the education of our children, and education of more quality, not an education that accumulates knowledge, because the knowledge itself it's not useful, our children must to know how to apply that knowledge to a concrete reality. A best education means a will from the teachers an students too for to change.
