Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The best

It's a fact that I'm really bad at making choices, it took me half an hour to get to a name, but still, I wouldn't call this person "The Best on Design", because there are so much other people I admire for their work.
Anyway, the man I chose in this post will be Victor Papanek, not for his works in design, but for his vision of the way we should design to solve problems, which I feel totally represented with.

Victor Papanek was born in 1927 in Vienna, Austria. He was a designer and educator who became a strong follower of the socially and ecologically responsible design of products, systems, tools, and community infrastructures. Papanek was deeply interested in humankind as such and pursued a fascination for anthropology topics.
Indeed, Papanek was a big disapprover for style-oriented design, which is today, unfortunately, what most people associate design with. I believe that products that only care for aesthetics, are not useful, and if the product is not useful, the provider of those products (designer) won't be useful to society either.

Design has to be Innovative, Responsible, Technological and then; Aesthetic.
Since Papanek was a more theorical man, It's been hard to find some images on his practical work. So i'll have to attach an image of one of his greatest lectures: Design for the Real World.


  1. this person represent the way that I feel the desing.

    Not only like a piece of elegancy, that many person believe.

    Desing can be a tool that makes the life more easy and confortable.
    This can be one of the sense too.

    Thanks !

  2. Never heard of him. No wonder ! But it seems that Panapnek is the man to follow when it comes to a rather comprehensive idea of design.
